Monday, January 31, 2011

Talking About Health in English (E.S.L.)

It's important to be able to describe how you feel; however, that sometimes ties in one's medical condition or health.  Let's look at some phrases we can use to describe one's health.


"I'm (feeling) sick/ill."
"I'm hurt."
"I'm in a lot of pain."
"My (body part) is hurting me."
"I have a headache."
"I'm (feeling) nauseous."
"I have a tummy ache."
"I am stuffed/congested."
"I have sinus headache."
"My sinuses are blocked."
"My body is aching."
"I have a fever."/"My temperature is high."
"I feel weak (and tired)."
"My eyes are light sensitive."
"I have a backache."
"My chest is hurting."
"There is a sharp/acute pain in my (body part)."
"I am experiencing acid reflux."
"I am constipated...."
"I'm under the weather."
"I have a sore throat."


"You should see a doctor."
"You should get some rest."
"I know a great home remedy."
"You should take some cough/cold/flu/allergy/... medicine for that."
"You should drink some chicken soup/hot tea/orange juice/... for that."
"Drink lots of fluids."

Get Well Comments:

"Get well soon."
"Feel better."
"I hope you feel better soon."
"I hope you get lots of rest."
"I hope you're back on your feet soon."
"Take care of yourself."
"I'll be making happy thoughts."


Diane went to her family physician, Dr. Tran, because she was feeling really sick.

Dr. Tran:  Describe the symptoms that you've been experiencing.

Diane:  Well I have been experiencing nausea, watery and ichy eyes.  My neck has also been aching.

Dr. Tran:  Okay.  Open your mouth and let me take a look...  Great.  Say "aaah".

Diane:  "Aaaah".

Dr.  Tran:  It's allergies, which seems to have resulted in a sinus infection.

Diane:  I see.  It's good to finally know.

Dr.  Tran:  I will write you a prescription for antibotics.

Diane:  Thank you doctor.

Dr.  Tran:  Here you go.  Take care of yourself.

Diane:  Have a good day.

Dr.  Tran:  Bye.

Now Your Turn!

Use the expression above to practice the dialog below.

You:  You don't look so good. Are you okay?

Your friend:  No.  I'm not.

You: I __________ (use the expressions above to describe your symptoms).

Your friend:  You should _____________ (offer some suggestions; use the expressions above).

You:  I think I'll try that! Thank you.

Your friend:  You are welcome.  I do hope you feel better soon. (use the get well comments above).

You:  I will.

Now switch roles and keep practicing until you are comfortable.

Great job today!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Talking About Your Feelings In English (E.S.L.)

Let's look at some expressions that one can use to express emotions in English. 

"I'm unhappy."/"I'm unhappy about... (explain)."
"I'm excited!"
"I am frustrated."
"I am not feeling too well."
"I'm (feeling) confused."/"I am confused."
"I'm depressed."
"I'm exhilirated."
"I'm surprised."
"I'm hurt."/"My feelings are hurt."
"I'm (feeling) sad/blue/down."
"I'm (feeling) angry (right now)."

Daisy just returned home from work and is talking about her work day with  her daughter May.

Daisy:  Could you help me in the kitchen May?

May: Yes. Sure.

Daisy:  How was your day?

May:  Well, it was really hectic and I was on my feet the entire time so I'm really tired right now.

Daisy:  Usually you have a pretty easy going, more relaxed day.

May:  Yes, usually. However, it's that time of year again when we have a lot of shipments and we have to inventory so there is a lot going on.  It can be really overwhelming. 

Daisy: I understand.  I sorry to hear that you didn't have such a good day.

May:  Thanks... Well, enough about me.   How was your day?

Daisy:  My boss just announced that they are going to be laying off people, because of the fact that we lost one of our major accounts.  So everyone is panicking right now.

May: You seem pretty calm about the whole thing. But  how are really feeling?

Daisy:  I am worried about the fact that I could lose my job, but at the same time I don't want to think the worse.  What if I am one of  the lucky ones, then all that worrying would have been for nothing.  I just want to maintain a positive attitude.  If I do lose my job then I'll just find another one. 

May: I am so sorry to hear that mom.  I am sure everything will work out.  You are a good employee.

Daisy:  Thanks dear.

Now Your Turn!

Talk to a friend or family member about your feelings.

You: How are you feeling?
Your friend:  I am feeling ____________(adjective).
You:  I am glad/happy to hear that./I am sorry to hear that.
Your friend: Thank you.

Switch place and practice until you are comfortable with the dialog.

Great job today!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Talking About Hobbies/Interests In English

A great way to make small talk is to talk about what you do for fun or your hobbies.  It's also a great way to get to know someone. There are a few expressions that one can use when talking  about your interests and/or your  hobbies.

Conversation Opener:

"What are you into?"
"What are your interests/hobbies?"
"What do you like to do in your free/spare time?"
"Do you do anything for fun?"
"Do you have any interests/hobbies?"
"What sort of things do you do to relax?"/"What sort of things do like to do to help you relax?"
"What sort of  hobbies do you have?"
"What are you keen on?"

Possible Responses:

"I am really/quite into...(verb+ing/gerund + noun)."
"My interests and/or hobbies are....(verb+ing/gerund + noun)."
"I really like/enjoy..."
"In my spare/free time I like to _________."
"I like to __________ (list  hobby/hobbies) for fun."
"I like to...."
"My hobby is/hobbies are...."
"I am really keen on ____________ (verb+ing/gerund + noun)."
"I like/enjoy relaxing to ________ (noun)."
"I relax by _________ (verb+ing/gerund + noun)."

List of Reasons Why:

"...because it's a great way to relieve stress."/"...because it's a great stress reliever."
"...because it helps me to relax."
"...because it's fun and interesting."
"...because it's exciting/(other adjectives)."
"...because it helps me meditate/to clear my head/mind."
"...because it helps me to think."
"...because it's a great way to escape/get away from the everyday."
"...because it's a great form of meditation."
"...because my mom/dad/friend introduced me to it (and I've been doing it ever since)."


Jason has taken up a new hobby and has decided to call his friend Juan to share the news.

Juan:  Hello?

Jason: Hey man. Guess what?  Today I was at the bookstore and I found a Spiderman comic book from 1971.  Guess how much it's worth?

Juan: I am not into comics so my guess wouldn't be good.  How much?

Jason: $140!  Can you believe it?!

Juan:  I guess $140 is a good price?

Jason: Yes.  One reason is because there aren't a lot of them out there anymore and the second reason is because I only paid $2 for it!

Juan:  That is really good...  I didn't know you were into comic books?  I thought you were keen on collecting model cars?

Jason:  I am still into that, but I was at the bookstore with and saw boxes of old comic books a week ago that they were trying to get rid of and started to go through it and found it to be fruitful. 

Juan:  Really?  How?

Jason:  Because most of the comic books were in fine to very fine condition.  The problem is that they have so many of them and nowhere to store them. Maybe you would like to consider collecting...

Juan:  That's okay.  I will stick to collecting guitars, but thanks for the invitation.

Jason:  You are going to regret it... I got to run. 

Juan:  Bye.

Now Your Turn!

Use the phrases above to talk about your hobbies/interests or things you do to relax.

You:  What are you into? (You can replace it with any of the questions above).

Your friend:  I am really/quite into ___________ (verb+ing/gerund + noun).

You:  Why do you enjoy doing that?

Your friend:  I like it because/I like to doing that because....(give a reason)."

List of hobbies:
bunji jumping
stamp collecting
playing sports (can be more specific)
playing board games
water sports
fixing things (computers, cars, things that are broken,...)
watching/observing wildlife
playing video games
collecting/trading comic books
collecting action figures
creating things with my hands
designing websites
inventing things
collecting coins
collecting toys
collecting leaves
collecting insects
thrill seeker
collecting Cd's/DVDs
listening to music
meeting new people
playing computer games
collecting musical instruments (e.g.; guitars)
collecting paintings
learning a new language
playing a musical instrument
exploring different cultures

Great job today!

Monday, January 24, 2011

TOEFL Vocabulary Development

In English there are words and phrases that are commonly used.  The best way to increase these expressions is by reading and highlighting the words that you do not know.  Then by looking them up in the dictionary. On account that there is more than one meaning for most words, it's important to make sure that the definition found is in context to how it is used in the sentence.  Additionally, review the new words and practice using them in conversation when the situation arises. 

The words below may or may not be on the TOEFL; however, they are great vocabulary builders.

Choose the definition that best fits the word highlighted in each sentence.

1.  I am intrigued by you.

a. unsure about
b. aroused the interest of
c. confused by
d. in love with

2.  Refrain from eating too much chocolate.

a. a verse
b. don't stop
c. resist the impulse
d. to do often

3. That statement is redundant.

a. repetitive
b. unique
c. boring
d. unimportant

4.  I am contracted to work on that project.
a. to shrink or reduce
b. compression
c. a document or writing containing an agreement
d. an understanding

5. The evidence gathered proves she committed the crime.

a. belief
b. idea
c. proof
d. DNA

                                                                                                                         1.b 2.c 3.a 4.c 5.c

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Talking About Getting Together with Friends In English

In English there are expressions used when we want to make plans, get out and have fun or "get together" with others. But what does "get gether" means? It means to meet or gather with family members or friends at an informal social gathering.  I am going to take a look at how to apply those expressions in everyday conversations.


"Let's get together..."
"Let's hang out..."
"Let's meet up..."/"Let's meet..."
"Let's do something fun and interesting..."
"Let's join up with..."

Possible Responses:

"Sure!  I would love together."
"I have (other) plans. Maybe another time."
"Sorry, I won't be able to make it."
"Sorry.  Maybe another time."
"I'm sorry, but I will have to take a rain check."
"Sure! When is it and where would you like to meet?"
"Great! Sounds like a plan."
"I love coffee/Chinese food/American food/to shop. Let's meet up!/I'll be there."


Nina is studying for the TOEFL.  She then decides to call her friend Joe, who is also preparing for the TOEFL, to study with her.

The phone rings...

Joe:  Hello.

Nina: Hi Joe.  How are you doing?

Joe:  Good, and you?

Nina:  Not so good.  I am studying for the TOEFL and really having a tough time focusing. I was wondering if you would like to meet up at the library and study together?

Joe:  Sounds great.  I haven't looked at the TOEFL practice exercises for days now.  I am so unmotivated right now.

Nina: Okay. Then let's get together! Can you be ready in a hour?

Joe:  I can be ready in less time.  However, see you within the hour.

Nina:  I'll be in the study area on the second floor. See you then.

Joe:  Thanks for calling.  See you.

Now Your Turn!

Create a scenario using the expressions above.  Call a friend, an acquaintance or family member and make plans to "get together".

You: Would you like to ______________________(expressions above) and have some coffee?

Your friend:  Sure!  I would love to get together! (Use the responses above).

Switch and keep practicing until you are comfortable with the dialog.

Great job today!

Click on the link and image below if you are looking for a text to help you prepare for the TOEFL.