Sunday, January 30, 2011

Talking About Your Feelings In English (E.S.L.)

Let's look at some expressions that one can use to express emotions in English. 

"I'm unhappy."/"I'm unhappy about... (explain)."
"I'm excited!"
"I am frustrated."
"I am not feeling too well."
"I'm (feeling) confused."/"I am confused."
"I'm depressed."
"I'm exhilirated."
"I'm surprised."
"I'm hurt."/"My feelings are hurt."
"I'm (feeling) sad/blue/down."
"I'm (feeling) angry (right now)."

Daisy just returned home from work and is talking about her work day with  her daughter May.

Daisy:  Could you help me in the kitchen May?

May: Yes. Sure.

Daisy:  How was your day?

May:  Well, it was really hectic and I was on my feet the entire time so I'm really tired right now.

Daisy:  Usually you have a pretty easy going, more relaxed day.

May:  Yes, usually. However, it's that time of year again when we have a lot of shipments and we have to inventory so there is a lot going on.  It can be really overwhelming. 

Daisy: I understand.  I sorry to hear that you didn't have such a good day.

May:  Thanks... Well, enough about me.   How was your day?

Daisy:  My boss just announced that they are going to be laying off people, because of the fact that we lost one of our major accounts.  So everyone is panicking right now.

May: You seem pretty calm about the whole thing. But  how are really feeling?

Daisy:  I am worried about the fact that I could lose my job, but at the same time I don't want to think the worse.  What if I am one of  the lucky ones, then all that worrying would have been for nothing.  I just want to maintain a positive attitude.  If I do lose my job then I'll just find another one. 

May: I am so sorry to hear that mom.  I am sure everything will work out.  You are a good employee.

Daisy:  Thanks dear.

Now Your Turn!

Talk to a friend or family member about your feelings.

You: How are you feeling?
Your friend:  I am feeling ____________(adjective).
You:  I am glad/happy to hear that./I am sorry to hear that.
Your friend: Thank you.

Switch place and practice until you are comfortable with the dialog.

Great job today!


  1. Great web page.I'm interested in the use of the various phrases used to express emotion. e.g I found it frustrating, I was frustrated, I am frustrated about it, Frustrating ! How frustrating, It's frustrating, That makes me so frustrated, This is frustrating, I feel frustrated that I can't get it to work, That must have been so frustrating for you. Did you find it frustrating

  2. I think it is also a slight advantage to be specific and comment on the individual action / idea in terms of your emotions / feelings e.g "I'm unhappy that you did it that way", "I'm delighted with the work you did today, well done", "I strongly disagree with that opinion", " I didn't want it done that way, I think it would have been better this way...", " I think that you should have done it this way..."
