It's always difficutl to say goodbye, especially when it's family or a close friend. However, there are some things we can say or do to make saying goodbye easier. We can make saying goodbye a little easier by letting our friend know that we will write emails or letters, call or Skype them, and of course, visit them. This can sometimes make saying goodbye easier because it's a way to reasure each other that goodbyes are not forever. Below are some phrases that one can use when saying goodbye.
Business/Formal Goodbye: (Usually accompanied by a handshake)
"It was nice meeting you..."
"I will be in touch..."
"Here is my number; call me..."
Informal Goodbyes:
"I will miss you..."
"Please stay in touch..."
"Let's stay in touch..."
"I will call/email/write/visit you sometimes..."
"See you soon/later..."
"Bye for now..."
"I've got to run./I gotta' run."
"Talk to you later."
"Catch you/ya' later."
"See you around."
"Hope to see you again soon."
Saying Goodbye on the Telephone:
"I've got to let you go."
"I am sorry to cut you off, but I have to go now."
"I have to go now."
"I am sorry to end our conversation, but I've got to go."
"I will talk to you later. Bye."
"It was nice talking to you. Goodbye./Bye."
"I have to end our call now. Bye."
Below is a sample dialog of how to use the above phrases in everyday English conversation. You can role play with a friend or family member .
Beth just called her friend June to invite her to join her study group.
Phone rings...
Beth: Hi June! How are you doing?
June: I'm good and you?
Beth: Fine. Thanks! I was just calling to invite you to join my study group this evening. We are getting together at North Public Library at 6pm.
June: Thank you for thinking of me Beth, but I have plans this evening. Maybe another time.
Beth: I understand. Well, I would love to chat, but I have a lot of preparing to do. Talk to you later.
June: Okay. Take care. Bye.
Beth: Bye.
Firstly, I would like you to create your own dialog with a friend or family member. You can create a scenario for yourself and your partner. Are you saying goodbye at the bus stop, subway station, on the phone or at the end of a work day? There are many scenarios that you can come up with to make the situation as realistic as possible.
Secondly, I would like you to pretend that your friend is going to study abroad. How would you say goodbye? Would you promise to visit, to phone, Skype or to write them? Would you tell them that you are going to miss them? Openly communicate what you are thinking and feeling to make this role play as realistic as possible.
Great job today!
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